
I love the above photo.  It looks so classic.  Would you believe that’s right in the middle of Beverly Hills?  I would not have expected such a scenery right in the middle of the city.  That’s actually their reflection in a pond.  I love the slight texture it has from the surface of the water.


Jacky and Matthew are SO in love!  I love watching the way they look at each other.  They have such admiration for one another and have such amazing chemistry.  I could instantly feel their connection and see how happy they make each other.







This park was literally on the corner of 2 major streets in Beverly Hills.  I would’ve never expected such a beautiful spot in the middle of the city!  I love all the palm trees!  It’s so LA.

charity:water update – we’re at $100!  Thanksgiving is just 10 days away!  10 more days to have your comments go towards a charity:water!  If you just joined us, I’m donating A buck a comment!

Another note: I rearranged my shoot schedule and now have another spot for a portrait session available.  I have a prime afternoon/sunset session available on Nov 21st in Monterey!  Email me if you’re interested!  caroline [at] carolinetran [dot] net.

Happy Monday!  Have a great week!

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  1. wow! can’t believe that first photo is a reflection in a pond.. you come up with the most creative photos! love it!!


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