los angeles children photography

I’m back from a fabulous trip to Napa/Oakland/Monterey!  I’m so backed up with weddings to blog at the moment, so I thought it would be fun to take a little detour and blog about little Cayden.  This little guy is special to me because he was the first baby I ever photographed!  He was only 6 or 7 months at the time.  Sadly, his family moved to New Mexico shortly after our shoot.  Luckily though, they come back to CA to visit every now and then, so it has been fun setting up shoots while they’re back.  It felt like just yesterday when we did his one year old shoot!  We did the park on his first shoot, a beach on his second shoot, so this time, we thought we’d give his aunt’s house a try.


I wish I could see him more often because he was really shy when he first saw me.  It was like I was a stranger again!

los angeles children photography

That photo on the above right cracks me up!  What do you think when you see it?  *loser*, right?  haha.  I actually asked him how old he is.  He can’t lift his pointer & middle finger yet, so this “L” is how he does “2” at the moment.  Isn’t it adorable???  And how great will this photo be one day in his wedding slide show!  A fun side story: he plays rock-paper-scissors…. however, he can’t do scissors, so he’s always rock or paper.  ;)  If you ever play against him, just always be paper and you can win!… or always be rock so he can always win.  ;)

los angeles children photography

los angeles children photography

His current obsession, Cars.  I think photos of a child’s favorite things are just as important as portraits of them.  They change so fast and they will never be this exact age – to the day – ever again.  It’s important to document their growth.

los angeles children photography

los angeles children photography

He also makes the funniest faces!!!  I forget which face is which, but one is “What does mommy do?” and another is “What does daddy do?”

los angeles children photography


los angeles children photography

los angeles children photography

above left – “cool beans!”

los angeles children photography

And then bath time.  Check out his little Mohawk!

los angeles children photography


He gave himself a beard!

see ya!

And after the bath, what else do boys do… run off naked!  He ran so fast, I barely caught this photo at the very end of the hall.  Would’ve been a shame to miss this shot!!

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  1. Haha! I love that rock/paper trick with him! Great shots. Esp love that last one – that one would be a fun one to show in his wedding slideshow =)

  2. I love the way you capture baby Cayden ! He’s too cute, it almost feel like I was there when you’re photographing him ! I want a photo like the last one of my kid, when I have one in the future ! It’s a date :) just kidding!

  3. Caroline, You are so talented! Cayden is my nephew and I live in NM and get to see him a lot now and you captured him to a “T”. The faces are perfect, as the photos with all the cars. I can’t wait to get some prints of these awesome photos!!


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