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When Kim and Minh first met in the dorms at UCLA, they had no idea that they were destined to be each other’s soul mates.  After seeing them together, it’s so obvious how perfect they are together.  We did their engagement session at UCLA, and to keep with the UCLA theme, their wedding colors were blue and yellow too.  Their wedding was filled with so many personalized details that truly reflect their personalities.  All I heard around the room was how much fun their wedding was and how it was so them… just how a wedding should be!

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We started the day in Long Beach at the Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden.  I love it when couples see each other before hand to do portraits.  It was early, but worth it.  Check out that sky!

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This cute ring bearer cried the whole way down the aisle!

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For favors, they made each guest a mix CD.  And my favorite were the little buttons they made for everyone.  Better Together, like bacon & eggs, pie & ice cream, milk & cookies, burger & fries, and two aces.  Adorable, isn’t it???  I collected each unique button!  :D  I like flair.

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Their escort cards were also raffle tickets!  Guest had the opportunity to win a Canon digital camera, an iPod touch, and a $100 gift card to Target

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They also made custom labels for the Jones soda.  Each label had a random fun fact about the couple.

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And we even got to run around Chinatown a bit for some portraits before the sun set.

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Thank you Kim & Minh for letting us share in your incredibly fun wedding day!  I loved how much you two personalized everything and your wedding really reflected you two perfectly!

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