Baby Nolan and his family are special to me.  I actually photographed them when he was still in his mommy’s tummy!  I can’t believe he has turned one!  I had just found out I was pregnant when I did their maternity session too.

What a beautiful family they have:

One of my favorite things about family shoots is watching daddys get all gushy with their baby.   Even between Jonathan and I, you see how dads just play differently with their baby.  It’s a different kind of bond, and I love seeing the different ways.

And I LOVE LOVE LOVE this next image of Nolan and mommy:

Nolan LOVES the water… so much, he tried to crawl into the water.  Daddy picked him up literally just before a wave got him.

Casual family time on the beach…

I love my job.  It’s such an honor to watch people grow as individuals and as a family.

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  1. LOVE the photos Caroline! They are beautiful. Thanks for spending the day with us and giving us a gift we will cherish always.


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