Rachel & Jeff are both in grad school in New York… and graduating this month!  They flew into LA a few months ago for our shoot and got to enjoy a little bit of sun.  Though I didn’t get to meet them until the day of this shoot, I felt as if I had known them.  Chemistry is chemistry, even if it was just a bunch of emails and a phone call.

Aren’t they just the cutest??  We headed out to Santa Monica for their shoot.  We virtually shopped together for their outfit and I loved seeing the transformation of it.

I love her yellow belt and the splashes of yellow we found in our environment.

Since they live in Manhattan, they went to the Impossible Project store to pick up a pack of polaroids.  They were told to put the polaroids immediately in the dark after you take the photo.  We did the best we could on a bright sunny beach.

I love how we tied in their alma mater…

Anyone get the following photo?  They brought a pack of metrocard playing cards and I thought of this…

hint… it’s their wedding date…

Since they spend a lot of time together playing this travel set of scrabble, I asked them to surprise each other with a description of each other… now if we can spell this during a real game!

Congrats to Rachel & Jeff on their engagement, graduation, and upcoming wedding!!

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