los angeles engagement photoHappy Friday everyone!  I am flying up to Monterey today and will be back Sunday.  If I haven’t replied to your email yet, I will sooon!  Lots of sessions to share.  I’m just trying to get as many done as I can before Thanksgiving, so blogging has been neglected.  But stay tuned – lots of cool sessions coming!

I can feel the start of engagement season!  I’ve been getting lots of emails from newly engaged couples these past few weeks and excited for all the sessions to come!  I love hearing all these engagement stories and I’d love to hear yours!  So how did you propose or were proposed to?

My proposal story is a long one because it involved 2 proposals!  Jonathan first proposed to me while we were in Hong Kong… Care to hear the rest?  You share your story first!

This is also the last week of a buck a comment to charity:water!  Congrats to charity:water on winning $100,000 from Levi’s green charity giveaway!  I’m excited to see how much we will donate next week!  We’re at $114 so far!  Just $20 provides clean water to a person for 20 years.  Together, we are providing clean water to almost 6 people already for 20 years!  Lets make it 10 people!  I want to hear about your engagement story!  Have a great weekend all!

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  1. My engagement story is a bit lame, so I’ll save you the tale. But I did want to drop another buck in the bucket for Charity:Water so here it is. Drip drip. (btw – love the surfboard kiss photo. Sometimes I really wish I lived in Southern California instead of rainy Vancouver!!)


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