Remember this photo-bombing llama at Saddlerock Ranch?  I finally get to share the rest of the photos with you!!  Just featured on Style Me Pretty today!  Check out even more photos there!  So to make this wedding even more special, April and Tyler planned their wedding in THREE WEEKS!  I was just coming out of maternity leave and boy was this a great way to jump back into the game!  Grab a cup of tea because you’ll want to snuggle up as you enjoy this!

“Our original plan was to elope during our honeymoon in Fiji.  Three weeks prior to our departure, I received a phone call from my father saying he wanted to walk me down the aisle and didn’t want us tying the knot in Fiji.  Three weeks to plan a wedding is stressful to say the least.  To top it off, I was in my last year of grad school and Tyler was in his 2nd year of law school.  Add final exams, term papers, job interviews, and my graduation to that planning period, and we were thrown into an immediate state of panic.

Despite the stress we were able to book the venue of our dreams, find an amazing wedding dress, and book our first choice photographer –Caroline Tran.  Thanks to the help of our wonderful friends, family, and wedding coordinator we were able to pull off the most incredible and memorable day of our lives!”

Below is April’s ring on her grandmother’s handkerchief.

Wait a minute, is that a zebra?  …that’s what I thought too!  I was so excited to see the animals there!

The dome where April was getting ready, and the bench where Tyler and his family hung out:

I’m so glad they got married here instead of FIJI because just look at how happy her dad is:

It was a super overcast day, but the sun peeked out for split second during their ceremony!

Cupcake tower from crumbs…  They ordered each guests (including myself) a unique flavor!  I felt so special!

And I love the boutonnieres by Unique Floral Designs.

I love this Door to No Where:


I love this big yellow frame they have on the property!  It’s like National Geographic!

And I LOVE this image of Mr. Camel:

For the record, this frame is pretty high off the ground…

And April was in heels!  Good thing April was a gymnast!

LOVE his striped socks:

Thank you, April & Tyler, for letting me document such a happy day in your life!  I look forward to see how this chapter unfolds and what the next chapter holds!

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  1. C’est vraiment très beau !!!! J’aime énormément !!

  2. So adorable. Love the photos of her dress from behind with the bow, chewing mr. camel, sitting in the yellow frame, door to no where, who am I kidding? I loved them all!