Remember this adorable engagement session? Scrabble, tandem bikes… doesn’t get any cuter! Lauren & Chad incorporated the scrabble & bike into their cute DIY wedding. Most of their guests traveled from out of state for this quaint and intimate wedding. The Victorian in Santa Monica was the perfect setting.
I love all all of Lauren’s antique jewelery.
Lauren is half Japanese, so she wrapped Chad’s gift with traditional Japanese wrapping fabric:
Lauren’s dress had pockets too! Love JCrew dresses!
The highlight to me was hearing about how Lauren, with help from her bridesmaids, did ALL the flowers! Lauren and her bridesmaid took a floral arrangement class together in preparation and did an amazing job. Flowers are the last thing I would ever recommend anyone to DIY, but if you & your friends are up for it, I think this is a great way to go. There are lots to think of just to keep the flowers alive, so don’t try it for the first time the night before your wedding.
Love these old photographs of their parents and grandparents…
And I love the tandem bikes! They rode it in front of all their guests. Now that’s an entrance!
Escort cards with scrabble tiles!
The patio is one of my favorite areas here:
The best man surprised us all with a back flip during his speech. Look at the height of his jump! I love this shot Jonathan got of just his feet off the ground.
Congrats to Lauren & Chad on a beautiful marriage & wedding. Couldn’t have been any more perfect!
On a personal note, I just finished with my destination wedding for the year. The rest are local. Time to readjust to being home and catch up with my emails! If you emailed me, I’ll be in touch soon.
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Wow I am so in love with the patio too. One quick question, did you use a flash to lit the jumping/indoor photos?
thanks, kate & lydia!!
so many cute details!
Caroline, you take beautiful pictures x