We got him many stuffed animals, but for some reason, he really loves the gorilla he’s holding in this first photo. We wanted him to like this little lamb (easy to carry around), or even this floppy giraffe, but there is just something about this gorilla that makes him squeal with glee when he sees it. He hugs it, kisses it, wrestles it, and rolls around with it. Jonathan ended up buying him that giant one and as expected, Cameron loves it too. There’s no getting in between a baby and his best friend(s).
They get into trouble together, but always have each other’s back. See no evil, hear no evil, and speak of no evil… because he’s busy eating.
And then we got him another one, just in case something happened to the original one.
Silly rabbit, you’re not a gorilla!
…no more monkeys jumping on the bed…
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Where did you get the gorilla from? :)
Cuuute series, with the last picture as the peak :O).
somebody shoot me. this baby it so cute! great photos!
This is SO adorable. I love them!
I don’t suppose you’d be bringing him to your workshop?? ^_~
becky, maybe i should make him one of the models! lol
tihs is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome. esp. the ones of him eating the banana and the one passed out!! absolutely ADORABLE photos!! <3
haha! this is such a cute series, caroline!!! LOVE it so much!
thanks, karleen! he’s growing so fast!
I love the last one !!! (most . . )
I miss him! Can’t believe how big he is now.
Love this so much. He’s beyond cute and those animals!! LOVE!
Love the stuffed animals – where did you get the cute gorillas? Thx!
kelly, the gorilla is made by jelly cat