Judy and Rex are amazingly cute together. So cute that I could not narrow down their engagement photos and will have to split this into two post. They brought their traditional Korean outfit, hanbok, for a few shots since they won’t be wearing it until after the reception on their wedding day. I love the colorful gowns!
If Judy looks familiar to you, it’s because she is Grace‘s little sister, and Roman‘s aunty. They act so much a like! There were certain things that Judy said that totally sounded like Grace! I’ve always wanted a sister and seeing them makes me want a sister even more.
Such a perfect beach scene. And I just love seeing them together.
It’s spring wildflowers season! I love driving by all the fields and taking note on which ones I want to shoot in. It looks so much fun to just run through!
I love how tender and sweet they are, but I love even more how silly they are together. Photo on the right is proof. It happened in a split second and I’m so happy to have caught that expression!
Stay tuned for part 2! It’s totally worth the wait!!!
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they’re a gorgeous couple and you did such a great job capturing their love! ok, is it just me or does that last photo of rex winking looks kind of like jonathan!
My sister is beautiful and rex is handsome!. Caroline you took some beautiful shots! In ten years can you take pictures of RIchard and Me in Hawaii! hahah!
Thanks Caroline! Can’t wait to see Part II =).
I love the one of them sitting on the beach, these photos are so sharp I am sure they will love them great set!
Luv your pix…You’ve captured magical moments of two people falling in love =)
These are magnificant
Great shots! They look very fun and happy together, as they should :)