
A common question I get from photographers is how do I handle all the post production when I shoot 4-5 sessions a week.  A common comment I get from non-photographers is how easy my job is to only work a few hours a day.  Recently, I did some calculations and I shoot about 14 hrs a week, on average.  The part that I didn’t realize until I hired an assistant is that between my assistant and I, we edit for at least 40 hours a week.  After you add the hours spent on email, meetings, prepping… there’s not much time left for me.  My new years resolution for this year was to seek balance.  I LOVE what I do, so it’s really easy to be a workaholic.  I need to consciously make more time for myself.  One way I’m hoping to achieve more balance is by shooting film.  It feels so good to send off my film at the end of a shoot and just wait for the surprise a few days later… resuming my life in the meantime.  It’s like Christmas each time I get my scans back.  This was the first time I shot 100% film.  I didn’t even bring my digital camera.  Since this session, I’ve shot 2 other sessions 100% film!  Oh yeah, and this is also my first time shooting with my new (to me) Contax 645.  I love how creamy it is!


Huge thanks to Alice for setting up this fun shoot at Condor’s Nest Ranch.  Condor’s Nest Ranch is such a unique and gorgeous venue for weddings!  When we left LA/OC, the weather was super sunny, but once we got into SD, it was super cloudy!  As soon as all models and photographers arrived, it was pouring.  Lucky for me, my first set of models, Natalie Brewter & Rob Burdick, were total troopers and were willing to shoot in the rain!  I wondered if my Contax was okay in the rain though…


The gorgeous styling was done by Aimee Eyre & Annaiz Rzepka.  The perfect hair & makeup was done by Clara Kim & Karla Montero.



Condor’s Nest Ranch had the cutest animals!  That little donkey above was one of our favorites, but don’t let the cuteness fool you!  He was actually one of the meanest animals on the farm.  While we were shooting, all the animals suddenly went nuts.  All the animals started to run around and scream.  We look over and this donkey was chasing the lamas, who was chasing a goat, who was chasing a horse… you get the idea.


And who can resist a red barn??  On a side note, we went into the barn and saw the cutest baby goats!!  We wanted to play with them, but mama was quite protective.




Such beautiful horses… who will try to eat your sleeves (Rob has stains to prove it).



Natalie & Rob are so awesome.  You couldn’t tell from looking at them, but they were freezing, rained on, & avoiding the horses who wanted to eat everything the wore.


One of my favorite portrait:


Our next 2 models, Matthew Lindbald and Kaylie Wilson, were also total troopers and braved the pouring rain!



Isn’t Kaylie gorgeous?




It was totally pouring by this point.  You can see how thick the clouds are!



So after all the models left and when we were getting ready to leave, of course, the sun comes out!  I really wanted to test out my Contax in different lighting situations, especially back lighting, so thanks Serena & Sarah for modeling for me.


Sarah’s makeup looks awesome, doesn’t it?  Partly done by Clara Kim.



A shot at some direct light:


Thanks for the fun day everyone!  I’ll end with this last image of them running in the rain.  It’s out of focus and I love it.


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  1. There’s nothing that I don’t love about this post. Amazing and PROPS to you for being able to be so patient in waiting for film!!

  2. I love the film shots! They look wonderful. BTW-my workplace owns hundreds of Andalusian horses. They are pure white beautiful horses. :)

  3. how fun! i love gloomy weather. the pictures still pop despite rain and clouds. great work, as always!

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE this series!! the color is just amazing! Esp the skin tones. That’s it, I’m throwing my digital camera away – you’re doing a darn good job of getting me to switch to film!! =)

  5. These are so gorgeous, Caroline! Do you think you’re going to shoot primarily with your Contax 645 now? I definitely fancy the way the photos from this camera and the Fujifilm come out. That + your mad skillz = stunning photos. Keep it up!


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